
Sunday 12 August 2012

My Miracle Nail Strengthening Products: Part 3/3 – OPI Nail Envy

I have definitely saved the best until last for my strengthening nails series. Forget all of the other nail treatments, which promise to make your nails stronger than diamonds, (ahem, Sally Hansen, I’m talking about you!) OPI Nail Envy actually works.  

I apply this once a day following my Lush Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter to ensure my nails remain strong and healthy. The Nail envy features an extra wide applicator brush, meaning application is incredibly quick and easy! I have been using this for a good few years now, and I believe I first noticed a difference after I applied it religiously once a day for two weeks. The instructions say to apply once a day for a week, then remove the polish and start over again, to ensure you see optimal results.  Follow this, along with a good cuticle moisturiser and you’ll have strong nails in no time!

OPI Nail Envy retails at £18.55 here for a 15ml bottle, which I don’t think is too bad at all! A bottle lasts me a good few months, and it is well worth the investment in my opinion. It also doubles up as a great top coat! You can also purchase a Maintenance version of the original (right in the photo), which you are supposed to use having used the original for six months. To be honest, I haven’t noticed much difference between the Maintenance and the Original, so I say sticking with the Original is your best bet!

I hope you enjoyed my Nail Strengthening Series and my advice has helped you on the way to strong, healthy, gorgeous nails!


1 comment:

  1. Great post !

    Love your style and see you as such as good inspiration :) !

    I'm an instant follower of you now :)

    Please feel free to check out my blog if you have the time


